Monday, March 24, 2008

Match Stats

I've seen the statistics for our school, including those that didn't come to the match ceremony. I thought that I'd post those along with some information from the NRMP website. Thus far there are only some numbers from the match provided by the NRMP (hopefully this opens since I had to sign in to access), but as more is available I'll link it (link doesn't work unless you have NRMP access - I've added the US total positions being offered and the number that went unfilled for further clarification).

Anesthesiology, 3
Total offered: 666, unfilled: 17

Emergency medicine, 7
Total offered: 1399, unfilled: 29

Family medicine, 11
Total offered: 2636, unfilled: 249

Internal medicine, 20
Total offered: 4858, unfilled: 107

Medicine/pediatrics, 2
Total offered: 362, unfilled: 36

Total offered: 177, unfilled: 12

Obstetrics/gynecology, 11
Total offered: 1163 , unfilled: 12

Orthopaedic surgery, 1
Total offered: 636, unfilled: 1

Pathology, 2
Total offered: 508, unfilled: 41

Pediatrics, 8
Total offered: 2382, unfilled: 87

Psychiatry, 4
Total offered: 1069, unfilled: 56

Physical medicine & rehabilitation, 1
Total offered: 83, unfilled: 3

Preliminary internal medicine, 1
Total offered: 1901, unfilled: 127

Preliminary surgery, 6
Total offered: 1263, unfilled: 455

Radiology - Diagnostic, 3
Total offered: 157, unfilled: 3

Surgery, 9
Total offered: 1069, unfilled: 2

Overall 90 matched with 59 entering primary care fields (IM, OB, Peds, FM, and EM - even though EM doesn't want to think of itself being primary care, it is for many). Unlike last year where many matched into Radiology and Ortho, we didn't have many get into these fields - though I know a few tried.

I was glad to see a couple getting into Peds/ IM and more than a few matched into highly competitive positions at prestigious programs. Overall we did well. I also thought the number of anesthesia positions offered in total per the NRMP data resulting in the number of the beast was a little distressing. Can't we offer one more just to avoid Beezlebub's blessing?

I matched into the southeast again at a program that's well known. While it's not thought to be in the top 10 (as far as the SDN convos went), it is often discussed in conversations as being one of the top 20 programs in the country for Anesthesia. I couldn't be happier.

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