Monday, April 14, 2008

Reading Rainbow

So I hinted earlier about my uptake in pleasurable activities during this semester and the slip in my medical knowledge because of it. I was thinking about the amount of literature that I’ve read through and, while not epic in any sense, it is rather astonishing to regard the amount of reading I’ve undertaken in the last 6 weeks. My list of fiction that I’ve gulped down with child-like glee includes:

1) Cutting Remarks by Dr. Sid Schwab
2) Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz
3) The Face by Dean Koontz
4) False Memory by Dean Koontz
5) The Shining by Stephen King
6) ‘Salem’s Lot by Stephen King
7) Nobody True by James herbert
8) Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein
9) The Killer Angels by Michael Shaara
10) First, Do No Harm by Dr. Derrick Beech

Most of these have been excellent reads, but it staggers the mind to think how much time I’ve spent absorbing fiction. No wonder I’ve gotten a little rusty. Up next? Carrie.


Anonymous said...

Bit of a thriller/ horror fan, are we? That stuff kinda rots the brain anyway.

Anonymous said...

Stephen King has actually been my favorite novelist forever. I think that by far his best book was The Stand, and Christine was awesome too. Carrie was good, but not one of my favorites. Also highly recommend Firestarter, The Tommyknockers, and The Dark Tower.

You're smart to stick to his older stuff...somewhere around the Geralds Game/Insomnia era his books went downhill big time.

Since we're talking about books, if you're ever in the mood for an amazing non-fiction read, check out "Into Thin Air" by Jon Krakauer. It's his account of a guided expedition up Mt. Everest. As the group was reaching the summit an unexpected storm blew in, and several people in his group died on the mountain. Krakauer is an amazingly good writer, and this is one of the best stories you'll ever read.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the suggested reading! Honestly it took my until now to be able to read S. King - there was always so much descrition that I couldn't get past the first hundred pages when I was younger.

tracy said...

Dear MSG,
Have you read "The Kite Runner" ? It's my current "all time favorite". Apparently, people either love it or hate it . i loved it. Or anything by Yasmina Khadra, like "Wolf Dreams" or "The Attack", he is very good. i like books about the Middle East...and of course, books by doctors, about doctor/patient relationships...but i guess you get enough of that!

Best, tracy