Friday, April 4, 2008


Today was not a good day. I've forgotten a lot of floor patient management and certain things have just leaked out of my brain - leaving me helpless in front of pimp happy critical care docs. When the resident looks at you and tells you that, as a 4th year, you should know that in and out you feel like dragging your beat-down ass out of the ICU - you've no business being there.


Anonymous said...

You have business being there!!!

Who gives a crap?! You are almost done and you have a place in the world for when you finish!! Coast.... once you're an intern i'm sure the learning curve will increase exponentially and you will be working more hours than you ever have before! :)

Liana said...

Hmm... was it actually something you should have known, or was it something vague and obscure?

Regardless, that's not a very nice thing to say. Even if it was true, do you gain anything by hearing that? Nope... there are better ways to encourage learning.

Anonymous said...


You raise an interesting idea....
If the trivia MSG missed was sufficiently basic, are you suggesting that MSG OUGHT to self-flagellate a little lest he ever not know something again? That we should all beat ourselves to a pulp for missing mundane details? Interesting. I wonder if this way of thinking is peculiar to the medical establishment.

The Lone Coyote said...

I am amazed that you are even in the ICU this late in 4th year. From what I'd heard, residents and attendings tended to be nicer to 4th years on hard rotations at this time because they think you are truly interested to be doing them and not slacking off on something light. Apparently not. Hang in there, you're almost done and I am sure this will help you come next July when you so have to know something.

Anonymous said...

It was management of NSTEMIs and I couldn't think of what drug the patient would normally get, but wasn't b/c of bleeding. I should know it...plain and simple. I spent 2 days going over it and other similar conditions.

Doc's Girl said...

It happens... I wish I could add more to that. :-P